Tim Eisner — Founder
Tim Eisner founded Weird City Games in 2012 and has spent the last decade designing a wide range of games. His published games include: Wonderland’s War, Tidal Blades, Canopy, March of the Ants, The Grimm Forest, and Aquicorn Cove. He lives in Portland, Oregon where he spends the majority of his time designing and playing games, teaching game design, and jumping in rivers.

Ben Eisner — Game Designer
Ben Eisner moonlights as frequent collaborator on Weird City Games designs, including Dungeon Hustle, March of the Ants, Wonderland's War and Tidal Blades. He enjoys the balance of creativity, analysis, and old fashioned arts and crafts that go into game design, for which he draws on his background in physics, theatre, and writing.

Amber O'Neill —Project Manager
Amber O’Neill is a jack of all trades or a trade of all jacks, whatever you need. She’s worked in comics and tabletop gaming for over ten years, gathering ancient and secret knowledge of the industry along the way. One day she’ll pass it on to her mentee, but only on her deathbed and only when she finds a mentee.